In-Hospital Telehealth Supports Care for Neonatal Patients in Strict Isolation (American Journal of Perinatology; April 1, 2020) (Highlighted on OPQC Webinar on May 22, 2020)
TeleOB Program (UW Medicine) (Highlighted on OPQC Webinar on May 22, 2020)
Ohio Medicaid Emergency Telehealth Guidance (Ohio Department of Medicaid) (Highlighted on OPQC Webinar on May 15, 2020)
Section 1135 Waiver Flexibilities - Ohio Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Medicaid.gov; April 22, 2020) (Highlighted on OPQC Webinar on May 15, 2020)
COVID-19: Maternal and Child Health During COVID-19 (American Hospital Association; May 2020)
Expanded Telehealth Services- COVID-19 Checklist (ODH; March 20, 2020)
Managing Patients Remotely Due to COVID-19: Billing for Digital and Telehealth Services (AGOG; April 2, 2020)